Belgium is a small country but is large in the international arena and is ranks high as among the top places to live in the world. Belgium has plenty of advantages as a place to live, which probably explains why many choose to reside there. Amazingly enough, 1.4 million of the country's residents are foreign-born equating to nearly 12.5% of the total population. It also has many top attractions, a friendly and diverse culture, and is the home of multiple European Union (EU) institutions. It is the second largest chocolate exporter in the world and the Delirium Cafe in Brussels holds the world record for the most different types of beer sold! Beer and chocolate - who knew? With main cities like Brussels, Antwerp, Bruges, Liege and more, you'll settle down nicely when you move to Belgium. Price your essential move to Belgium and book online Find a foreign embassy in Belgium Find Belgium's embassies in other countries Moving Used Household Goods and Personal Effects to Belgium Documents Required Copy of passport showing photograph and signature Original bill of lading (OBL) / express release / air waybill (AWB) / Convention Relative Au Contract de Transport International de Marchandises Par Route (CMR) Certificate of residence (Model 2) Certificate for free entry (diplomats) Letter of employment Packing list Specific Information Certificate of residence (Model 2) issued by local Belgian town hall of the city of residence. Letter of employment from the origin country or destination country stating that the owner of the goods has been employed outside the European Union for a period of at least 12 months. If possible, the letter of employment from the origin country should include the beginning and ending dates of employment and beginning date of employment in Belgium. Any other official documents from the embassy or the Consulate at origin stating that the owner of the goods has lived outside Belgium for the past 12 months should be included. Restricted/Dutiable Items Food Ivory (CITES) Stuffed animals / animal skins Untreated wood Plants Alcohol (authorization from the territorial administration is required) Tobacco and tobacco products Coats, fur, and leather shoes made from protected animals (authorization from the territorial administration is required) Prohibited Items Firearms and ammunition Illegal drugs Cultural and Other Information CIA World Factbook Wikipedia Entry for Belgium